Your credit providers will be notified that you have entered Debt Review with NDA within 2 – 5 days. Naturally, we aim to do this ASAP because as soon as we do, the law prevents them from contacting you.
We will deal with your credit providers for you from that point on.
Be warned that not all credit providers operate by the book, so if they do keep harassing you, just let NDA know and we’ll make sure it does not happen again.
However, if your credit providers have already started legal proceedings against you with regard to a certain unpaid debt, we cannot prevent them from contacting you. Nor can we include this debt in your restructured repayment plan or have your payments reduced.
As such, you won’t be protected from legal action with regard to this specific debt. This is why it’s so important to get a hold of NDA, before your credit providers commence with legal proceedings.