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Debt Solutions in Sandton

Montecasino, Nelson Mandela Square and the Convention Centre are spectacular places to rack up a lot of debt! Searching for debt solutions in Sandton? Apply online today with NDA!

If you need debt relief, National Debt Advisors are the firm to turn to. As one of the biggest, most respectable debt review firms in South Africa, we are pleased to be able to provide consumers with quality debt counselling nationwide.

We have assisted thousands of consumers to become debt free over the years. This means that as a client of ours, you can rest assured that you will considerably benefit from our outstanding expertise and personalised debt solutions in Sandton and on a national basis.


One Affordable Payment Monthly

It can be challenging to keep track of all of the different instalments and interest you owe to multiple creditors on a monthly basis. Having to remember when to pay what to whom can often lead to skipped or partial payments, resulting in penalties and additional debt.

Through NDA, you can combine all of your payments into one affordable monthly payment!

We will negotiate with your creditors to have your numerous instalments and interest rates reduced. You will then pay a reduced inclusive monthly payment, comprised of all of your separate reduced payments grouped together.


A Debt Free Future 

Moreover, we will monitor how this inclusive payment is distributed, to ensure that all of your creditors are paid on time and in full on a monthly basis. In so doing, you will be continually moving towards a debt free future – full of possibility, liberation and fulfilment.

Once you have settled your debts in full, we will issue you with a clearance certificate, clearing your credit profile at the credit bureaus of negative information. This means you’ll be able to apply for credit again, and not be rejected because of a poor credit score or bad debt.

Our mission is to help you become debt free as soon as possible! Get the best debt solutions in Sandton and SA by contacting NDA today.