Debt Counselling Pretoria
National Debt Advisors (NDA) is one of the fastest growing, innovative professional debt counselling companies in the industry. What’s more, we offer it in Pretoria and across the country!
Debt Counselling is for you…
If you are…
- Struggling to make your debt payments
- At risk of losing your home or car
- Being harassed by credit providers
But you need…
- More money to cover your living costs
- Protection from legal action
- Credit providers to stop harassing you
Can’t afford your debt repayments?
Then this legal process is designed just for you. Following the rules of the National Credit Act (NCA), NDA will arrange for your debt payments to be reduced. As a result, your monthly payments will become more affordable. Enabling you to cover your debts and living essentials, without sacrificing the one for the other.
If you live in Pretoria and can’t afford your monthly instalments or if your credit providers have threatened to seize your assets, NDA can help.
You may live in an area of Pretoria that is a long way off from any debt counselling firms. In most cases, this would mean you’d have to spend a lot of money on transport to get to their offices. Money that you simply don’t have right now.
That’s why, at NDA, we offer our services online and over the phone. So that people living in Pretoria or anywhere else in the country can benefit from professional debt counselling.