Steps to reducing medical debt
At a point when your medical debt is piling up, reducing these amounts as soon as possible is of key importance. This is you chance in taking the steps to reducing medical debt.
Review your bills in detail
Many times we accept our bills as they come, without double checking in fine detail. Many people won’t speak up if they see inconsistency in their bills, simply assuming they are correct. However billing mistakes can occur easily and often, resulting in costly consequences. Some doctors may even use coding systems for procedures which allow them to charge more for their services than usual.
Much of the information that can be found shows that the incidence of hospital fraud is on the rise. Protect yourself by reviewing every medical bill you receive bit by bit. Look for overcharges, double billings and charges for care and services you didn’t get.
If you do not understand your medical bills, call the medical providers billing office and demand an explanation. These are steps to reducing medical debt.
Make your insurance pay
If an accident involves another person, caused by that person, get that person’s insurance to pay for damages.
If you have medical aid of your own, find out what your policy covers and how it affects your situation. If they refuse to pay, find out exactly why.
What other options?
Depending on your earnings and the total value of all your assets, you may have other options for reducing the amount you owe to medical providers.
Some hospitals will let you work off your debt by doing community service or volunteer work.