South Africa is in deep financial trouble. Watch this video and learn more.
Category - Videos
Why is it important to keep up with payments?
Creditors can’t repossess your goods if you keep up with debt review payments
What is debt review?
Learn all about the advantages of debt review in this video
Unkcukacha zakho zise ngozini. Qaphela.
Ingaba ukululekwa ngamatyala ngumkhonyovu okanye
Ingaba ukululekwa ngamatyala ngumkhonyovu okanye kuyasebenza ngenene?
Does debt counselling really work?
Sebastien Alexanderson , CEO of National Debt Advisors answers the question of whether debt counselling is a scam - or does it really work?
Sexually transmitted debt
Learn more about how love and money don’t always go hand in hand.
Prescribed debt
Did you know that you don’t have to pay old debt? Watch this video for more information.
December BONUS time! What to do with my bonus?
Watch the do’s and don’ts of December bonuses.
Times are tough – try debt review!
If you are struggling to pay your debt in these tough times, then watch this video and see how debt review can work for you.
Trust NDA – your credible debt counsellor
NDA is trusted, credible and currently the number one debt counselling company in the country
What documents are required for debt review?
These are the documents you need to sign up for debt review and start your journey to financial freedom.