
NDA Debt Blogs

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Loans For Bad Credit: What Are Your Options?

Loans For Bad Credit: What Are Your Options?

With over 42% of the 23 million credit-active consumers falling behind on their debt repayments, loans for bad credit are a common thought among South Africans. In this blog, we're digging into all things bad credit loans South Africa, shedding...

Medical expenses

Medical expenses

The cost of medical debt can be extremely difficult to handle, not only bringing with it emotional strain, but also possible legal and financial consequences. An important part of your debt, the expense of caring for your health, this is a priority...

Don’t fear the term ‘blacklist’

Don’t fear the term ‘blacklist’

Pay back the money and get out of the bad books BLACKLISTED is not a word that brings good things to mind. First of all, let's be very clear. There is no physical blacklist on which your name appears and it is not to be confused with any scandalous...

Blacklisted – In need of help?

Blacklisted – In need of help?

Blacklisted – In need of help? The term, blacklisted is outdated and non-applicable! The credit bureaus only listed negative information about credit user behaviour before the 1980s. Historically, creditors would keep an actual list, referred to as...

What does a debt review counsellor do?

What does a debt review counsellor do?

What does a debt review counsellor do? A debt review counsellor, performs the same duties as a registered debt counsellor. In fact, they are one and the same thing.Whatever you call them, they are (through the National Credit Act) responsible for...

Money Saving Tips for Shopping

Money Saving Tips for Shopping

Money Saving Tips for Shopping Wondering how to save money on your shopping but don’t know where to begin? From your weekly food shop to your next gadget purchase. For many of us, shopping takes up a large chunk of the monthly budget. Whether...

Separating Good Debt from Bad Debt

Separating Good Debt from Bad Debt

Separating Good Debt from Bad Debt You will hear some high-profile personal finance experts say that all debt is bad debt, while others clearly separate good debt from bad debt with traditional adage (student loans and home loans are good debts;...